31 October 2005

b224 - The hidden folders

I found recently an old episode of b224, never published. It dates back to last june, when Eric and Yannick were trying the new video camera. Nobody has never seen this episode. I imagine that was what these guys expected ...

J'ai retrouvé récemment un ancien épisode de b224, jamais publié. Il date du mois de juin dernier, quand Eric et Yannick essayaient la nouvelle caméra. Personne n'a jamais vu cet épisode. J'imagine que c'est ce que pensaient ces personnes ...


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Yannick said...

Hi Raymond,

thanks for your comment, it's very motivating to see that some people appreciate what we do. For the translation, it's a kind of normal thing as the office is cosmopolitan (Russian, American, and French). But you're right, I don't know much about Norwegian :)
Thanks also for having revlogged us :)
All the best,



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