16 June 2005

B224: Episode 0

Introducing office B224.
Les membres du bureau B224.

the video

Edit 22 June: our fourth attempt: better soundtrack handling.
La quartième version avec une meilleur gestion de la génerique.

Edit 19 June: our third attempt at producing the same film. This time, should work in Windows too.
Notre troisème essai. Cette fois ci, elle devrait aussi marcher sur Windows.

Edit 18 June: here is a higher quality version of this video.
Voici une meilleur version de la vidéo.

Loose translation:
Sébastien: (to the barber) "easy on that shaver!"... so he let go of it for like 2 seconds
Yannick: Watch out, Sébastien, you're being filmed by Eric. Oh fatch. Hello!
Jackie: Échec et patch. (Check"p"ate - silly French pun)
Yannick: Échec et patch?
Jackie: Yeah, that's from Aldebert (French singer)... in uh...
Sébastien: In "La Cigarette" (?)...
Jackie: Yeah, that's it.
Yannick: Better not forget about this: (aaaaaarrrrararagh!)
Eric: oooh!


At 9:37 AM, Blogger jackie said...

can we cut the music at the end?

At 12:53 PM, Blogger kowey said...

will work on that tonight or tomorrow night


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